Welcome to my website! This is still a major work in progress partly cause I'm still a beginner when it comes to coding but I miss the personalization that I've seen diminish over the years as the internet becomes more corporate.

This website was created on a 1920x1080 monitor


  • (9-21-22): Layout changes
  • (9-28-22): More layout changes
  • (9-28-22): Added Sidebar link to the John/TOOBOE archive
  • (12-22-22): Added Interests page
  • (2-11-23): Changed the site url and title again
  • (7-2-23): Small update to links page
  • (9-1-23): Changed navigation bar to navigation buttons and minor tweak to pages
  • (9-1-23): Changed the links page to be a box with a scrollbar rather than window scroll
  • (3-2-24): Added warning for uncensored slurs on front page
  • (3-2-24): Slight adjustment to font color (might change more in future)
  • (3-2-24): Fixed background flashing white while page was loading
  • (8-2-24): Added Video Corner
  • (8-3-24): Added lite youtube embed to Video Corner to allow for more videos


  • Create header image
  • Create some custom graphics especially zombie themed ones
  • Create custom cursor
  • Code layout changes
    • Might completely wipe everything I have now and start over I'm kinda overwhelmed and lost on the site editor
    • Learn how iframes work??
  • Redo Interests page and maybe add an aesthetics/inspirations page???