I have many interests as does anyone, here I'm going to be listing them especially the ones that I feel were important to my development as an artist.

  • Eyes - I adore eyes and eye imagery. I hyperfixated on eyes and information about eyes when I was really young and since then eye imagery is one of the fast ways to my heart.
  • Plague Doctors - They look sick as fuck what can I say?
  • Masks in general - Especially gas masks. There's just something so good about a mask.
  • Horror - I'm a huge horror fanatic. I particularly love psychological and body horror. I'm always looking for more horror movies and games and I love horror themes in general even in media that isn't horror.

  • John/TOOBOE's music and characters - If it wasn't obvious by me having a page dedicated to archiving john's tweets I am a huge fan of John's music and characters. His music, especially his early vocaloid work, just hits in a way that I obsess over, and I truly adore his artstyle and it's influenced my own and I think helped me develop my art into something I'm much more happy with it.

  • Rubyquest and Nanquest - Rubyquest is a comic I quite liked when I was younger as well as it's sort of sequel Nanquest. Despite the simplicity it feels like there's a lot to it, at least to me anyways. It inspired me to start my own webcomic as well as what caused me to develop a stickman style in the first place that I now use quite frequently.

  • .flow by lol - A yume nikki fangame. Yume nikki itself is a great work of art that everyone has gone on about but .flow is what personally grabbed me as a young teen. What can I say I love horror and creepy stuff.

  • Yuppie Psycho by Baroque Decay - A horror game I saw and pretty much fell in love with, while there's many aspects about it that honestly still feel like they leave a lot to be desired something about the game just captured me. The soundtrack to this game was the first vinyl I ever bought even!

  • Chainsaw Man

  • Nero's Day at Disneyland - I am obsessed with NDaD, Lauren Bousfield truly knows how to make good music. There is not a single NDaD song that I don't enjoy.
  • That Handsome Devil - Love this bands stuff, the most recent albums not my personal taste but man they know how to make earworms.

  • Forest of Drizzling Rain - Forest of Drizzling Rain is a game I found out about unfotunately from a youtuber who shall not be named. I still quite like the game and I'm hoping a translation for the new version comes out soon so I an play. I especially love the character of Suga, if you know me you know my taste in men and he was one of the early animes guys I really liked lol.

  • Osomatsu-san - If you know me yknow I love Osomatsu Matsuno. I don't interact with other fans though because a lot of them are into incest and other gross shit and ew.
  • Kagrou Project
  • Dismemberment Plan
  • Arknights
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  • Senyuu
  • Mecha-Ude
  • Tyler & Co.
  • The World Ends With You
  • Professor Layton
  • OFF by Mortis Ghost and Alias Conrad Coldwood - OFF is one of my favourite games of all time and I think the piece of media that has influenced not just my development as an artist but my development as a person due to forming an interest in it at such a young age (12-13). From my personal taste aesthetics in visual art to the music I enjoy I can look to OFF as a precursor for all of them.

  • Shuuen no Shiori Project - A series of songs produced by 150P with lyrics and story written by plagiarist Suzumu. Despite my now ill feelings for suzumu, Shuuenpro is still a piece of media that means a lot to me, it's the work I dedicated much of my youth to, I met many people through it, people I considered friends at one point for better or worse. The music is still something I listen to in my spare time and I feel like since 150P's abscence I'm still yet to find another vocaloid producer that fills the same space for musically.

  • Ryuusee - Ryuusee is another artist I absolutely adore and has been an inspiration to me for a long time since I first saw his work when I was about 13-14. I love and adore his art style so much and am especially enamored at the way he does horror and surrealism. I would consider him my favourite artist of all time honestly.

  • Silent Hill 2 - I've recently (December 2022) been streaming all of the Silent Hill games and while the first one itself is also an amazing game and I see the appeal, the story felt lacking to me and was my big complaint thought I loved every other aspect. I now finally understand the hype about the second one. It's an amazing game and I can see why these first two games inspired so many other works out there (such as OFF my favourite game!!). I highly reccommend playing the first two if you haven't.

  • Odd Taxi - What's there to say about Odd Taxi that someone better with words than me hasn't already said? I don't watch as much anime as I used to but Odd Taxi grabbed me first for just appearing interesting the style wasn't something you see in anime everyday I figured it'd probably be at least decent to watch but decent was an understatement it was truly anime of the year for me and one of the anime of all time. I especially adore the character of Yano and he's been the first anime character I bought merch of in years that wasn't Osomatsu.
  • System of a Down - This is one of the bands my dad was into and I never really listened to myself until much more recently and came to love.

  • Angels of Death - From the creator of Forest of Drizzling Rain this is a game that I quite like, I especially love the character of Zack. There was an anime adaptation but I never finished and I didn't care for how Zack is drawn in it or how he's drawn in the manga.

  • Homestuck - Don't read this shit it's brain poison, I read it when I was 11 and it messed me up beyond repair.
  • Subway Midnight
  • Don't Starve (Together)
  • The Paper Chase
  • Slime Rancher
  • Underworld Capital Incident
  • Scream
  • American Psycho
  • Infinity Train
  • Kekkai Sensen
  • Planet With
  • I Don't Want This Kind of Hero

I'll add more interests over time!